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"There is no closure to instruction. It isn't that you read a book, breeze through an assessment, and finish with instruction. The entire life, from the minute you are destined to the minute you bite the dust, is a procedure of learning." – Jiddu Krishnamurti, Indian savant Adapting never closes. We are continually learning and in this way arriving at resolutions. A great deal of learning is important and happens intuitively. Like perceiving diverse social standards, or making sense of how to "be a grown-up," the same number of individuals appear to do nowadays. In any case, at that point, there's purposeful learning, such as setting off for college or learning another instrument. I love the above statement by Jiddu Krishnamurti. For me, it's an update that life is a colossal learning process. It likewise started an idea – since we're learning each day in any case, why not intentionally pick the things we need to find out about? It...